A 53 year old female patient who had a Skinny Brazilian buttock lift.
Skinny BBL Surgeons
Skinny BBL surgeons must be well-versed in the art of VASER liposuction. This is because skinny BBL patients are athletic and possess less body fat than the average cosmetic surgery client. The fact that they are athletic is why they are seeking not to undergo a traditional Brazilian Butt Lift but rather a skinny BBL procedure. The skinny BBL describes creating an optimal buttock shape that is harmonious with an athletic body of a client with a low body mass index. Even though fat cells are transferred much in the same manner as a Brazilian Butt Lift, the placement of the fat cells is strategic.
As such, your plastic surgeon must transfer less fat volume that is selectively positioned. Specifically, your procedure will achieve this fat transfer with maximal transfer to the upper central buttock cheek and conservative transfer to the lateral middle buttock. Although lower fat transfer volumes may be encouraging, it must consider that skinny BBL clients are typically athletic in their physique and thus have limited fat deposition. Elite athletes may have as low as 5 % body fat which will be difficult to harvest with conventional liposuction. Athletic patients often request butt implants since they have been advised that the fat harvested from their bodies will be inadequate. However, the advent of VASER liposuction has allowed for the aesthetic goals of patients desiring fat harvesting for a skinny BBL.
Skinny BBL Surgeon Requirements
Skinny BBL surgeons must be able to harvest from athletic patients that possess low body fat percentages. This limitation requires skinny BBL surgeons to be masters of VASER liposuction. VASER liposuction is the GOLD STANDARD in liposuction techniques that allows for optimized fat harvest from thinner patients. By a process known as cavitation, your plastic surgeon uses ultrasound energy to emulsify the fat so that it can be comprehensively and selectively removed from the superficial layer. Fat removal from the superficial layer cannot be appropriately performed using conventional liposuction.
Interestingly, elite athletes often only have superficial fat depositions to remove. A plastic surgeon can only achieve mastery in VASER liposuction with experience in using VASER technology. The fusion of skilled VASER application with the possession of an artistic eye is critical to completing a skinny BBL. As such, skinny BBL surgeons must be students of high definition liposuction protocols that implement VASER liposuction.
Identifying Skinny BBL Surgeons
To identify a skinny BBL surgeon, you can start by going to Solta.com and their doctor finder site for the VASER machine. Once you identify VASER doctors in your community, you can go on their website and make sure they also perform BBL surgeries. The best way to appreciate who does skinny BBL surgeries is to browse through their before and after photographs. Try to identify a patient who looks most like you so that you can be reassured that the skinny BBL surgeon you choose can provide you with the look you are interested in.
Today, Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery for skinny patients is a reality. Ideal candidates will benefit from fat transfer techniques that have been optimized using VASER liposuction and a closed-loop system. The advantage of skinny BBL is that these patients are dedicated to maintaining a stable weight and consuming healthy diets. Even though small amounts of fatty tissues are transferred, a dramatic difference is appreciated following butt augmentation. Individual patient considerations include evaluating body types, body shapes, and fat transfer goals. A skilled surgeon will strategically plan fat harvest and the fat transfer procedure to the buttock region to achieve skinny BBL goals.