Setting your beard line during male facelift surgery

Setting your beard line during male facelift surgery is critical since the beard line will shift in the process of performing a face and neck lift. This is because a facelift requires the mobilization of redundant skin and fat throughout your cheeks, jawline, and neck in an upward and oblique direction. If you look in the mirror while you pull your face up and out as above, you will realize that it affects the positioning of your beard line. This is why when we perform male facelift surgery on our male clients we ask them to make sure that they have a light after shave of their beards so that we can gauge the pull vector on their cheeks in order to avoid distortion of the beard line.

Another consequence of undergoing a facelift in men is that their beard line will be approximated to their ear. In doing this, the hair follicles of the beard will become adjacent to the ear structures making shaving difficult. As such, all of our facelift patients are recommended to undergo laser hair removal of their lateral cheeks and neck lift one month after facelift surgery.

Laser hair removal requires 6 sessions which are performed once a month for the first six months following surgery. This provides you the opportunity to further shape your beard line and ensure a natural result.  Most of our patients take this opportunity to additionally eliminate hair growth on their ears as well. As we get older, men will notice the growth of unsightly hair along the out rim of their ears as well as in their ear canal. This growth continues to become more dense as we age. As a result, laser hair removal may help you eliminate both areas of concern.

If you are considering undergoing laser hair removal, we encourage you to make an appointment with one of our SurgiSculpt members to appreciate the difference we can achieve for you. Male clients should expect at least one month of preparation for their facelift that will include elimination of blood thinning since the follicles of the beard are more vascular than their female counterparts making blood oozing more of a concern.

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