35-year-old female following mommy makeover, including a full abdominoplasty with muscle plication – front view
35-year-old female following mommy makeover, including a full abdominoplasty with muscle plication – front view
35-year-old female following mommy makeover, including a full abdominoplasty with muscle plication – right oblique view
35-year-old female following mommy makeover, including a full abdominoplasty with muscle plication – right lateral view
35-year-old female following mommy makeover, including a full abdominoplasty with muscle plication – back right oblique view
35-year-old female following mommy makeover, including a full abdominoplasty with muscle plication – back view
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The flanks are an absolutely crucial piece of every body contouring surgery. Coined the “love handles”, prominent flank fullness can immediately masculinize and ruin even the most beautiful female abdomen. However, if you are interested in a post-pregnancy transformation and need to eliminate flank fullness, plastic surgery could be your saving grace
Mommy Makeover: The Tilde Curve
A mommy makeover refers to any grouping of surgeries that are combined to bring a female back to their pre-pregnancy glory. A trained mommy makeover surgeon needs to have an artistic eye for female anatomy to understand ideal proportions and curves that highlight the femininity of a body. The Tilde Curve was created by SurgiSculpt MD to accurately portray the ideal female silhouette and eliminate flank fullness.
One component of the Tilde Curve is the smooth transition between the lower abdomen/lower back and the upper pubic region/ upper butt. This transition is disrupted by significant flank fullness which transforms the smooth curvy lines into a blocky, masculine appearance.
Therefore, SurgiSculpt makes sure to use his mommy makeover procedures to eliminate flank fullness and create the Tilde Curve in every patient.
This 38-year-old patient here came to the SurgiSculpt for a mommy makeover to improve her overall contour and eliminate flank fullness. She enhanced her breast appearance through an implant augmentation. She also shows a complete elimination of any flank fullness that was present pre-operation.
To eliminate flank fullness in women, it was accomplished by SurgiSculpt and his team through a mini tummy tuck to completely tighten the skin and VASER HD liposuction of the lower back and flanks to eliminate all of the love handle fat. Notice the amazing comparison between her pre and post mommy makeover silhouette.
Love handles are one of the most frustrating areas for a mother trying to achieve a more youthful appearance. Contact us today for a complimentary mommy makeover consultation to eliminate flank fullness today.
35-year-old female following mommy makeover, including a full abdominoplasty with muscle plication, medial thigh tuck, breast lift and lower body lift.