A 24-year-old female patient had a Brazilian buttock lift. She also had high-definition liposuction of the back and flanks.
The BBL is an essential feature of the female silhouette. This essential feature has led to the rise of the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) as one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in recent years. Despite the popularity of this BBL reshaping and augmentation procedure, there remains to be a prevailing standard for the ideal BBL size and shape. We observe a wide range of preferred BBL sizes and shapes amongst our patients. Brazilian Butt Lift goals can be subjective concerning the size and shape desired. This survey investigates age’s effect on BBL shape and size preferences that can be attained using fat transfer of fat cells. The Brazilian butt lift procedure is considered a definitive treatment plan that must be refined. The desire to have a fuller butt cannot be by undergoing a Brazilian Butt lift surgery is now a mainstay of cosmetic body contouring.
BBL Shape and Size
This discovery was made following a survey of 422 patients. The study divides these patients into 21 years old or younger, between 22 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 to 65, and 65 or older. The tool determines desired BBL shape (upper, middle, and lower pole maximum fullness) and size (waist-to-hip width ratio). The survey uses the PA (posterior-anterior) and lateral views utilizing a range of digitally altered BBL sizes and shapes.
The study determined that older patients, those over 45 years of age, statistically desired a smaller BBL size in the middle BBL shape style. Interestingly, patients less than 21 years of age also showed a tendency for liking a smaller BBL size.
This graph depicts the preference for a smaller waist to BBL width differential. This view is described by the preference for ratios of 0.65, 0.7,0.75, and 0.80 when compared to 0.55,0.6, and 0.65 ratios (larger BBL).
This graph depicts the preference of patients over 44 years of age for a smaller BBL projection of 0.73 and 0.75 ratios when compared to larger BBL projections of 0.65, 0.67, and 0.7 ratios.
How Does Age Affect BBL Shape and Size Preference?
These results reveal that as women age, they tend to have the propensity to desire more subtle female contours. On the other hand, younger counterparts desire more curvaceous figures. Younger females are more exposed to the promoted image of a thin waistline and a larger BBL prevailing on Instagram, TikTok, and beauty magazines. As a result, younger patients demand larger BBL sizes.
At Surgisculpt, this augmentation in BBL and hip width is feasible through strategic fat grafting to the lateral mid-BBL and lateral hips. For older female patients who often possess redundant BBL skin and drooping, your plastic surgeon may recommend a tucking up of the BBL. This procedure is called a lateral thigh and BBL tuck, eliminating BBL skin redundancy. Your plastic surgeon may advocate for this procedure to supplement BBL grafting. Coupled with strategic fat grafting, older female patients can have the undesirable loss of volume and changes in shape corrected conservatively. This way, they may also achieve their desired female contour and BBL shape.