

GMommy Makeover™

GMommy is short for grandmommy, and this adorable nickname is given to the most beloved member of the family. That's how it is; Grandmas are universally adored by everyone, especially children. And in today's world, mothers are more likely to become grandmothers because we live longer.

Thanks to the wonders of medicine, women are living to a much older age. In the 21st century, grandmothers will comprise a more significant sector of society due to better preventative medical practices, advanced treatments developed for chronic illnesses , and proactive self-care. For all these reasons, mommy makeovers have aroused the interest of mature women. However, traditional makeover procedures do not always take into account the specific needs of older women. Thus, we have developed the G-Mommy Makeover™, which encompasses unique modifications of traditional mommy makeover procedures designed to rejuvenate the effect of aging in mature women.

The most common thing our GMommy patients tell us is that they know they can't look the same as they did at 30 years old. They tend to be more realistic with their expectations. Their goals are to look great in clothes, swimsuits and take 10 to 15 years off their shoulders. As women age more and more gracefully, well into their 70s, it's understandable that they want their outward appearance to reflect their youthful attitude. After all, those over 60 are the new 40.

Like the traditional Mommy Makeover, the GMommy Makeover comprises a series of modified surgeries developed to help moms of middle age and older. These modifications have been specifically designed to address the unique factors that come with aging: prolonged exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays and the effects of gravity.

GMommy changes related to sun exposure

Too much sun exposure over decades causes cumulative damage from harmful ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet rays can cause premature aging of the skin, which manifests itself in the form of wrinkles and unwanted changes in skin texture. Ultraviolet rays have the beneficial effect of providing skin cells with the ability to generate natural vitamin D, which helps absorb calcium, essential for muscle and bone health. But all good things in balance!

However, prolonged UV radiation will cause undesirable changes in the skin that will result in a loss of skin health by thinning the deepest layer of the skin, called the dermis. This loss of the deepest layer of skin will lead to the appearance of crepey skin which is synonymous with granny skin. The damage caused to the skin by chronic ultraviolet rays can cause undesirable changes in its texture and even the development of skin cancers. When wrinkles and changes in skin texture become extensive or severe in degree, they will often require skin excision, accomplished with skin excision or tucking, a mainstay of GMommy Makeovers.

GMommy changes related to gravity effects

Gravitational force is created by the mass of the earth that continually pulls us down. This force keeps us grounded and prevents us from floating away like we would on the surface of the Moon. However, its chronic force causes stretching of the skin. As the skin stretches, it also hangs and sags. Sagging skin causes undesirable appearance changes characteristic of turkey neck, facial drooping, bat wings on the arms and laxity around the abs and thighs. Stretching and loss of elastin in the skin results in skin redundancy that can be extensive. These aging-related changes result in the need for skin removals or retractions, a mainstay of GMommy Makeovers.

GMommy Makeover Procedures

GMommy Makeover surgeries are designed to address the specific changes of aging. Aging is due to chronic exposure to ultraviolet rays and the effects of gravity, which cause undesirable skin redundancy and unwanted texture changes. These skin changes lead to the need for excision or tuck surgeries which are the mainstay of GMommy Makeovers. These surgeries are designed to address undesirable changes in the face and neck, upper eyelids, lower eyelids, eyebrows, lips, arms, breasts, tummy, buttocks, lateral thighs, and medial thighs. Each patient has their own needs and desires. During your consultation, you and your surgeon will collaborate on your highly personalized GMommy Makeover surgical plan.

GMommy Makeover surgeries may include:

  1. GMommy face and neck lift.
  2. GMommy Upper Blepharoplasty (eye lift).
  3. GMommy Lower Blepharoplasty (eye lift).
  4. GMommy brow lift.
  5. GMommy lip lift.
  6. GMommy Arm Raise.
  7. GMommy Breast lift.
  8. GMommy Abdominoplasty.
  9. GMommy BBL.
  10. GMommy bra lift.
  11. GMommy Lateral thigh abdominoplasty.
  12. GMommy Medial thigh abdominoplasty.


¡Cirujano increíble con personal increíble!

Tuve una experiencia increíble con SurgiScuplt y su personal. Los resultados de mi lifting de brazos son INCREIBLES y él y su personal han sido extremadamente amables y profesionales en cada paso de este proceso. Lo recomendaría al 100% a cualquiera que busque un cirujano.

Un médico y un personal increíbles.

Increíble experiencia con SurgiScuplt y su personal. He trabajado mucho con este personal y no podría estar más contento con la experiencia. Me he sometido a una braquioplastia y me encantan los resultados. ¡Recomendaría 100% este Doctor a todo el mundo!

Creo que me vi 10 años más joven casi de inmediato

Tuve una gran experiencia en el Instituto de Cirugía Plástica Estética. Quería tener un aspecto un poco más joven y fresco para el día de la boda de mis hijas, así que reservé una cita sin estar muy segura de lo que necesitaba. SurgiScuplt fue maravilloso me sugirió un par de procedimientos que ni siquiera había pensado y fueron increíbles. Me ha rellenado los pómulos y me ha quitado algunas patas de gallo. Creo que me vi 10 años más joven casi de inmediato.

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