Many patients search, “Can my breasts look better after breast cancer surgery?” Undoubtedly, undergoing breast cancer surgery is a tall order for any patient. The fact that you are battling breast cancer is a large obstacle to tackle. To beat the cancer alone should be the most important prerogative for patients. As a plastic surgeon, I am asked to try to make the appearance of the breasts whole following surgery.
During breast cancer surgery, all of the breast tissue or pulp of the breast mounds are removed, called a mastectomy. In addition, often some of the breast skin, most usually the nipple areola complex, may also be removed.
After having been in practice for over 17 years, I have had the honor of working with many breast cancer survivors. After clearing the breast cancer, the patient’s prognosis is most affected by their psychological well-being. We have observed that patient’s happiness is most affected by how normal their breasts appear. The answer to, “can my breasts look better after breast cancer surgery», is emphatically yes.
In order to achieve improved breast appearance there needs to be careful evaluation of your breast shape, intimate discussion with your patients desires, close communication with your breast surgeon, and comprehensive surgical plan to get your breasts to your improvement in overall breast shape, size, and mound position.
You can appreciate that your breasts are now improved in overall breast mound positioning with resolution of breast pseudoptosis. Pseudoptosis refers to breast mounds that were lower than the inframammary crease even though the nipples are higher than the nipple areola crease.
In addition, the breast shape has been improved as depicted by improvement in the right breast lower pole.
Finally, the overall breast mound size is improved and more compact and better proportioned with your body. The answer to “Can my breasts look better after breast cancer surgery?” is obviously feasible when you choose an expert breast surgeon.