Breast lift with implant augmentation revision is an amazing solution for those who are unhappy with a prior breast implant procedure and desire a lift. As we age, our skin loses its elastic nature and begins to sag. For those who had a prior breast augmentation with implants, this can lead to two different contours. If you had silicone implants, the breast skin will sag while the breast implant stays stuck in place.
This results in the rare snoopy deformity. On the other hand, saline implants, seen in our patient here, will slide down with the breasts. The only correction for this skin redundancy is a breast lift. Our Newport Beach board-certified plastic surgeon, SurgiSculpt MD, utilizes a modified vertical mastopexy design to create an ideal breast shape as well as to facilitate a smooth recovery of your incision lines.
When considering a breast lift with implant augmentation revision, you have an opportunity to not only correct your current breast contour concerns, but go above and beyond to reach your dream breast appearance.
On your initial consultation with a breast lift with implant augmentation revision specialist, you will be examined to diagnose your current breast appearance. We often have patients that come in with the desire to go bigger and enhance their breast size, but many patients do not realize that they are also due for a breast lift.
This patient came to SurgiSculpt for a breast revision once her skin began to sag and alter prior breast augmentation appearance. She presented with breast asymmetry with her left breast lower than her right as well as with excess skin.
A breast lift with implant augmentation revision corrected her total breast appearance. If you have similar concerns, contact us at SurgiSculpt in Newport Beach, California for a complimentary consultation with SurgiSculpt today.
Here we have our 44-year-old female 2 months following her breast lift surgery and breast implant replacement with 400cc saline implants.