What is VASER Liposuction?

What is VASER Liposuction?
This 55 year old male had a modified abdominal skin resection and high definition liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, and chest, as well as fat grafting to the chest.
What is VASER Liposuction?

What is VASER Liposuction?

What is VASER Liposuction?
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Vaser Liposuction?

VASER Liposuction was developed to address limitations of current liposuction techniques that are restricted to removing partial fat only. The VASER acronym stands for, «Vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance». VASER describes the technology that allows surgeons to remove fat more comprehensively. Today, your plastic surgeon can remove 90+ % of your fat, rather than 60% using conventional techniques. Not only can a plastic surgeon remove almost all of your deep fat, but they can also remove your superficial fat uniformly. Uniform and controlled removal of fat using conventional liposuction is not feasible. To understand how this works, we must review the anatomy of human fat layers.

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Traditional liposuction cannulas limited to deep fat layer

Fat Anatomy

Most of the fat throughout our body is located under the skin and above the muscle layers. The superficial and deep layers divide the fat into two layers. A thin membrane called the fascia separates the superficial and deep fat layer. In the abdomen, this fascia is called the Scarpas fascia. Thus, the deep fat layer is located between the muscle and Scarpas fascia and the superficial fat is located between the Scarpas fascia and the skin. The deep fat layer is loose and is minimally traversed by structural cables called retaining ligaments.

Unlike the deep fat, the superficial fat is located in compartmentalized blocks that are densely divided by these retaining ligament stabilizing cables. Although these retaining ligaments provide structural support to the skin, they prevent the free flow of liposuction cannulas across this fat layer. As a result, traditional liposuction cannulas are not able to uniformly remove fat from the superficial layer. Attempts to debulk this layer with conventional cannulas will result in creation of divots and contour irregularities. Moreover, traditional liposuction limits the capacity of liposuction to a debulking procedure of the deep fat layer. Interestingly, traditional liposuction patients can expect removal of 60 to 70 % of their fat at most. Furthermore, this fat removal is limited to the deep fat layer.

VASER Liposuction Capacity

VASER liposuction technology possesses the unique ability to deliver ultrasound energy to the superficial and deep fat layers using sleek, specialized probes. Thanks to their design, retaining ligaments cannot limit their effectiveness. The effect of the ultrasound energy the cannula emits, emulsifies or melts both the superficial and deep fat cells. A plastic surgeon can then use traditional cannulas to remove the fat comprehensively.

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Emulsification of Fat Involves Cavitation Waves that Dislodge Fat Cells

Today, with the use of VASER technology, a plastic surgeon can remove fat cells comprehensively throughout the deep and superficial layers following the process of emulsification via cavitation. Cavitation describes the ability of the ultrasound waive to dislodge solid fat clusters into a liquid single fat cell medium. Once the fat cells have been liquified, your surgeon can remove them from both the superficial and deep layers using conventional liposuction cannulas to provide high definition liposuction results. High definition liposuction describes the ability to sculpt the body like an artist. Understanding muscle anatomy and dynamics is integral to unveiling muscle highlights which is an intimate component of high definition results.

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