There are currently three brands of breast implants in the United States market. This breast implant brands include Mentor, Allergan, and Sientra breast implants. All three breast implant brands provide both saline and silicone implants. The saline and silicone implants are made of a smooth silicone solid shell. The saline brands are filled with salt water and the silicone implants are filled with silicone gel. Breast implant brands sold in the United States are all FDA approved following stringent testing performed to ensure product quality. Breast implant brands also provide a variety of implant styles that are delineated by their base width to projection height. Implant styles include very low profile, medium profile, medium plus profile, high profile, and very high profile. As you proceed from very low profile to very high profile you will observe maximum base width and a lowest height projection to minimum base width to the highest height projection.
How do I choose a breast implant brand?
The ideal choice in breast implant style is determined by the breast and chest measurements of your individual measurements and your desired breast implant volume. For example, if you have a narrow chest and are desiring a more generous implant size, you will likely be limited to a higher profile breast implant. If your breasts are wide and you want to maximize projection, you may wish to proceed with a higher profile implant. In contrast, if your breast is narrow and more cone shaped, you may wish to have a wider based implant with less projection as provided by a lower profile implant. All breast implant brands are rounded in their shape. However, when they are place into your body, they are more dynamic in their shape due to compression from the breast soft tissues. When you lay on your back, they will be rounded in appearance. However, when you stand up, they become tear dropped in their shape. This change in shape in your body is anatomically correct and mimics a natural breast shape.

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